How to make Confetti Eggs:
- eggs
- egg dyeing kit or food coloring
- tissue paper cut into small squares
- glue
- confetti (or make your own)
1. Gently use the end of a spoon to tap out a small hole at the small end of the egg.
2. Gently shake out the contents of the egg. (You may need to break the yolk.)
3. If using an egg dying kit, follow the instructions on how to dye eggs. If using food coloring, mix a 1 to 1 mixture of vinegar/water and 10 to 20 drops of food coloring in a cup.
4. Place hollowed out egg into cup. The longer you leave the eggs in the water/vinegar- the darker the color will be. (I left mine in for quite a while.)
5. Allow the eggs to dry. (I used both food coloring and an egg dying kit. The kit came with extra shimmery paint, which really made the eggs pop.)
6. Carefully stuff eggs with confetti.
7. Add a bit of glue around the edge of the egg. Use a brush or your finger to spread glue around.
8. Cover the opening of the egg with the tissue square. Gently tap the edges of the tissue into the glue to ensure all edges have adhered.
9. Let dry and you are done!