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DIY Etched Glass Gift Set (Handmade Gifts for the Holidays)

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of TUACA Vanilla Citrus Liqueur  for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

The holidays are just around the corner and that means holiday parties, gift exchanges and hostess gifts! These gifts for our loved ones and friends aren’t about spending a lot of money, it’s more about letting them know we care and appreciate them. The tough part is, it’s not easy to come up with the perfect gift…

Personalized gifts are always appreciated, especially if they’re hand made!  I love receiving a handmade gift.  (Because I like to make them myself, I know the thought and effort that usually goes into them.).  To get your creativity flowing, I have a great tutorial to share with you today on how to make an Etched Glass Gift set.   (I chose a monogram for this set, but almost any image or phrase would work!)

How to make an Etched Glass Gift Set

This gift set, along with a bottle of Tuaca® Vanilla Citrus Liqueur makes the perfect gift for friends or a hostess gift! The best part is, these glasses take no time at all to make. (#Sponsored by Tuaca)

Hand made gift ideas: Etched Glass Gift Set

Tuaca is a Vanilla Citrus Liqueur made with the finest Italian brandy and blended with natural sugar, and a touch of citrus and vanilla essences.  The hint of vanilla and citrus pair deliciously well and a bottle of Tuaca is a perfect complement to any well stocked liquor cabinet.

What kind of cocktails can you make with a Vanilla Citrus Liqueur?  The possibilities are endless, so be sure to visit the recipe page for Tuaca y Pina and Tuaca Hot Apple Pie recipes.  In the meantime my two favorite ways to enjoy the Tuaca is the Tuaca Mule and Tuaca Cranberry.

The Tuaca Mule is made with 2 oz Tuaca Liqueur, 4-6 oz of ginger beer or ginger ale and a squeeze of lime.

Another cocktail I enjoy is the TUACA Cranberry.  It’s a delightful twist on the classic Cape Cod (which is normally one of my goto drinks.)  To make it, combine 4 oz of Cranberry Juice, 1.5 oz of TUACA and a squeeze of lime.

Now that I have you ready for a cocktail, let’s make these glasses!

You need:

  • Glasses (The ones I used are sold at Walmart- a pack of 4 for $5.00.)
  • Glass Etching Cream
  • Foam brush
  • Gloves
  • Monogram design/stencil
  • If making your own stencil, you will need sticker paper, an exacto knife and self healing cutting mat.

*Ideas to make the monogram design:

  1. If you have a cutting machine, you could design your own monogram with the software and cut out a vinyl stencil- definitely a quick and easy way to get it done.
  2. If you don’t have a cutting machine, you can use sticker paper!  Check an office supply store, they make sticker/mailing labels in tons of sizes. (I had 2 x 4 inch labels on hand, so that is what I used.)
  3. You can create your monogram letters in a word program,  pic monkey or look around on etsy and purchase a digital design already made or made to order.  (I made mine with Photoshop Elements using a free font I found at Dafont.com


Print out your design and tape it to the sticker paper.

Use exacto knife to cut out letters.

Place sticker on glass.

Following the instructions on the bottle of the etching cream, use foam brush to paint on a very thick layer of the etching cream.

After the required amount of time, wash off the sticker and etching cream and you are done!

I bet the Tuaca would be great in a homemade eggnog too!  How would you recreate your favorite holiday cocktail with Tuaca?

(*Please drink responsibly – 🙂

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  1. Emily @ The Benson Street says:

    Cute gift idea. Thank you for linking up with the Monday Funday Party! — Emily at thebensonstreet.com

  2. Sarah Bates says:

    These are beautiful glasses! Plus, those drinks sure look delicious! 🙂

  3. These would be a great gift!

  4. Reesa Lewandowski says:

    Such a great gift idea!!!

  5. Matthew Ivan says:

    Tuaca is one of my favorites! It's a much better option for rum and coke.

  6. Melissa {Persnickety Plates} says:

    These are adorable! & so easy. Pinned.

  7. Emily Thompson says:

    that is a great gift!! It would make a super fun teachers gift for my kids. Well done!

  8. Jillian@FoodFolksandFun says:

    This is such a cute idea, I love it!

  9. Mamal Diane says:

    Wow very cool idea.

  10. Melanie @ bear rabbit bear says:

    I've tried glass etching once and it was a flop. I'll have to try it again.

  11. Super cool! Had no idea you could make this at home

  12. EvaBabeDesigns says:

    I've tried doing these the old fashioned way with the xacto knife but it's too much cutting. I used a Cricut to do some and they came out fabulous!