Rainbow Princess Dress
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I’m done. I’m done. I’m done, I’m done, I’m done! (Humming to “I’m Late” from Alice in Wonderland.)
When I asked my daughter what she wanted to be for Halloween, she was very specific. She told me she wanted a “dress with a pink body and different color ruffles all the way to here.” (pointing to her ankles.) While shopping at Hancock Fabrics, I happened to come across the perfect pattern, McCalls 6418, on sale for 99 cents. It truly was exactly what she wanted, even though I knew this dress would challenge my skill and patience level, I decided, what the heck, I would make it for her.
This dress took 5 days, three different trips to the fabric store and lots of groaning and wailing on my part. My new bff is my seam ripper, as we had the chance to get to know each other better than ever before…
Meet the Rainbow Princess:
She has 2 tutu’s and a petticoat under the dress.

I still need to add a hook and eye to the top of the dress. I don’t have any, and I refuse to drive 30 minutes back to the fabric store, so I am going to see what I can scavenge off of something else. This was the very first time I have attempted a zipper. I planned on using velcro, but at the last minute, I decided it really needed the zipper. (Secretly, I just wanted another opportunity to spend time with my seam ripper.) It is still not perfect, but I am pleased with the result.
Poor little thing had an accident at pre-school involving a slide and the ground last week. It’s healing, but the spot under her nose is still very tender.

Now I need to spend the rest of the day taking care of all the chores I neglected all week. Oh yeah, and I do have another child that needs a costume for the party tomorrow night. Hopefully it won’t take too long, though I do need to get cutting on a couple of stencils. Maybe I should just skip those chores for another day or two…
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