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Scary Spider Shirt and Shorts

We have had a busy couple of weeks around here, but I did manage to get this scary spider t-shirt and shorts finished for my 6 year old.

He chose this fabric on our last trip to Joann’s.  I tried to steer him towards some black fabric with a green and orange bat print, but he really wanted the sparkly spider fabric.  To me, the shorts turned out a little boxer short-ish.  Oh well, he can wear them the next year or two as shorts and then as boxers.  We will get our moneys worth out of them.

For the shirt, I used freezer paper to make a stencil for this spider image I found.  If you are interested in using the stencil image, I uploaded it to Google Docs here: Scary Spider Image.   

I wanted the stencil to really stand out on the black shirt, so I painted the first coat in white and then layered a second coat in silver.  The silver paint is a Tulip Metallic paint and it really did dry a very shiny silver.  (It is kind of hard to tell in the pics.)

While taking these pictures, we took the opportunity to walk around a little bit.  He collected quite a few treasures to show his sister, including a big flat rock shaped like a heart.  

Our little creek has been dry for almost a year.  I was watching the news earlier, they are now saying that we will probably have another year of this drought.  Next summer is going to be really rough on the landscape, I am really afraid of how many more trees we might loose.

Everyone is very excited around here, we have our very first Tiger Cub family camp-out this weekend.  The weather looks like it is going to be fairly nice.  Not too hot, not too cold.  I think the kids will have a good time fishing, hiking and getting to hang out around the campfire.  We have not taken them camping before.  (I just hope I have a good time, I haven’t camped in about 15 years…) 

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  1. Perfect for such a handsome guy! I love the whole look! Thanks for sharing this @ Show & Share! I am so happy to have you!

  2. So cute! Love the shirt.. soo spooky and of course camping will be fun! Enjoy!
    Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party.. can't wait to see what you share next!

  3. freckled laundry says:

    Even with arachnophobia, I'll say those are adorable! Handsome fella too!

  4. shopannies says:

    cute he could be called spider boy 🙂

  5. Ann @ makethebestofthings says:

    This is so clever and well done. Your son will remember this for sure. My camping days are over but you will load up on great memories. Enjoy!

  6. Veronica Lee says:

    How cool is that! Love the spider though they scare the hell out of me!

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!

    Have a nice day!

  7. Holly Lefevre says:

    Your spider looks cool! Love your photos of your son – they are sweet. Enjoy the Tiger Cub camp out (we are doing a Webelos 2 one next weekend!)