Scary Spider Shirt and Shorts
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We have had a busy couple of weeks around here, but I did manage to get this scary spider t-shirt and shorts finished for my 6 year old.

He chose this fabric on our last trip to Joann’s. I tried to steer him towards some black fabric with a green and orange bat print, but he really wanted the sparkly spider fabric. To me, the shorts turned out a little boxer short-ish. Oh well, he can wear them the next year or two as shorts and then as boxers. We will get our moneys worth out of them.

For the shirt, I used freezer paper to make a stencil for this spider image I found. If you are interested in using the stencil image, I uploaded it to Google Docs here: Scary Spider Image.
I wanted the stencil to really stand out on the black shirt, so I painted the first coat in white and then layered a second coat in silver. The silver paint is a Tulip Metallic paint and it really did dry a very shiny silver. (It is kind of hard to tell in the pics.)

While taking these pictures, we took the opportunity to walk around a little bit. He collected quite a few treasures to show his sister, including a big flat rock shaped like a heart.
Our little creek has been dry for almost a year. I was watching the news earlier, they are now saying that we will probably have another year of this drought. Next summer is going to be really rough on the landscape, I am really afraid of how many more trees we might loose.
Everyone is very excited around here, we have our very first Tiger Cub family camp-out this weekend. The weather looks like it is going to be fairly nice. Not too hot, not too cold. I think the kids will have a good time fishing, hiking and getting to hang out around the campfire. We have not taken them camping before. (I just hope I have a good time, I haven’t camped in about 15 years…)