7 Reasons for Continuing your Education with an Online Degree

Are you contemplating getting a degree or continuing your education online?  I’ve got 7 reasons for continuing your education with an online degree and why online education trumps a traditional college every time!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. The opinions and text are all mine.


Are you contemplating getting a degree or continuing your education online? I've got 7 reasons why online education trumps a traditional college every time!

7 Reasons for Continuing your Education with an Online Degree

When I worked in the corporate world, I was always interested in going back to school for my PHR or SPHR certification or maybe even my master’s degree.  Working in the HR field, having that certification (or MBA) would have given me more employment opportunities and higher pay.  But every time I thought about returning to school, having to make that commute and rearrange my schedule, I changed my mind.  Even though I’d graduated from a state college with my bachelor’s degree, it was no easy task, and I just could not bring myself to turn my life upside down like that again.

I’ve been out of the corporate environment for over 12 years, and the world of online education opportunities has exploded during that time.  I would not hesitate now to continue my education or get that certification through an online program like Ashworth College.

Need more convincing on why you should consider online continuing education?  Here are seven great reasons:

It’s easy to re-integrate into education.

If you’ve been out of school or college for several years, the idea of heading back to a campus can seem unattractive. Who wants to be surrounded by 21-year-olds living up the campus life when you’ve already got a job, family, and mortgage? Most campuses welcome those outside the typical college demographic, but it can still be difficult to head back into that life. Attending class online makes it so much easier to integrate back into the educational scene because you get to do it from the comfort of your home.

You can focus on your career.  

If you’re thinking of continuing education to gain more skills for your current job, online education is where it’s at. Most of the time there are programs offered specifically for those looking to enhance your careers, and since you’re doing college on your own time, there’s no need to pick between your current job and new skills.

It’s affordable.

The rising cost of continuing education is likely the number one reason stopping many from pursuing higher education. The financial burden is something that many just can’t justify. Thankfully, there are less expensive options.  Ashworth College believes all students have the right to an education and helps them meet their education goals without the burden of student loan debt. With tuition rates approximately five times less than other online institutions, the Ashworth College strives to provide students with access to an education they can afford.

It can fit your schedule.

We all have busy lives, and while making education a priority is vital no matter what route you choose, sometimes it’s downright impossible to clear your schedule according to the class offerings at a traditional university. Luckily, with online education, this isn’t a problem. With an online program, your education is waiting and ready for the times you can work, whether that’s early in the morning before heading off to work or late at night after the kids are in bed.

Are you contemplating getting a degree or continuing your education online? I've got 7 reasons why online education trumps a traditional college every time!


There’s a large variety of program options.

Since they’re not restricted by space or time like other campuses, online universities are able to provide a huge variety of program options. At Ashworth, these range from traditional bachelor degrees like Business Administration to more career-focused options, such as Early Childhood Education or an RN to BSN Online Program.  Ashworth has over 125 program offerings that are in high-demand fields such as healthcare, business, criminal justice, creative services, education, and trade skills.

There’s no commuting.

This one is a bonus for everyone who lives in a city or far away from a campus. With online education, you get to spend all of your time focusing on the important things – not fighting traffic just to get to class on time! This saves so much stress, too!

You can tailor your education to your needs.

Online education offers so much flexibility. It’s a wonderful option for tailoring your education to fit YOUR needs, whatever those may be. The class variety is usually larger, and there’s often an ability to take more or fewer classes depending on how much focus you’re able to dedicate at any moment. Credits from other programs will often transfer so if you already have a few classes under your belt, no need to start over.

These are just a few of the many reasons to consider attending an online college. Discover the difference of Ashworth’s career education, certification and college degrees that are right for you.  

It’s your turn!  Have you ever attended college or continued your education online?  Let us know in the comments below:

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. The opinions and text are all mine.

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  1. Kim Beaulieu says:

    This is such amazing information. I’ve often thought about taking classes online. I have Crohn’s so it would be so much easier for me to do schooling at home.

  2. Nicole Burkholder says:

    Being able to better yourself from the comfort of your own home (and with your own schedule) is such a privilege! (And it’s way cheaper than traditional college, that’s for sure!)

  3. Becky Blad says:

    These tips are so helpful! As a stay at home mom, it would be really hard to go back to commuting to school but doing it online would totally be do-able!

  4. Got my masters from the same college as my bachelor’s. For the BA I attended class in person, for the MBA I went the online route. I didn’t notice any difference in the two as far as the quality of instruction and the tuition was also the same.

    The in person route worked when I was working part time jobs (more flexible scheduling) and before I was married with kids. The online route was great because by that time, I was working full time, and was married with two kids under age 2.

    All boils down to your lifestyle at the time. And yes, having that MBA has made a huge difference in my career – but make sure it’ll be worth it in your field of choice. No graduate degree is worth the tuition money if it doesn’t translate to better opportunities.