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Boredom Busters: Simple Paper Craft Ideas for Kids

Boredom Busters: Simple paper craft ideas for kids!


We’ve had a great summer so far.  The weather has been cooler than normal, which is great for being outside, but everyday the temps are climbing and we’ll soon be back to our normal 100’s.  When it’s that hot, we tend to stay inside.  Even saving the swimming for the evening hours.

I’ve got a great Paper Craft idea to share today. It’s perfect for those days when you start hearing the dreaded, “I’m bored!”  

I love that this craft requires very little supplies and will entertain them for a good amount of time- and with hardly any supervision. 🙂

All this craft requires is a few different colors of construction paper, a square punch, scissors and a glue stick!

Fun kid craft project, keep the creativity flowing and boredom away!

Get started by pre-punching a few colored squares then set your kids loose on creating whatever they want!

It seems to help if I give them a suggestion on what to make to get started.  Then once the creativity starts to flow, its amazing what they come up with!


My daughter’s creations tend to run towards animals and flowers, while my son’s toward all sorts of minecraft creatures…



Have fun paper crafting!

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  1. Kimberly Lewis says:

    What a fun idea! Pinned. We really appreciate you taking the time to be a part of our party. Please join us tonight at 7 pm. It is a pleasure to have you! http://loulougirls.blogspot.com/
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  2. kristi dominguez says:

    You always have the neatest ideas, Jamie! Thank you bunches for linking up and partying with us this week!

  3. Laura Silva says:

    This is such a cute idea! Anything to help keep the kids from complaining about being bored! Thank you for linking up to The Creative Exchange. xo, Laura

  4. Melissa French - The More With Less Mom says:

    I love paper crafts. Thanks for sharing. Hello from Say G'Day Saturday!

  5. Julia Nyanyo says:

    Great idea, but I'm interested, what do you do with the creations afterwards? When mine were little I kept everything they made until it fell apart or got really dirty, in fact from where I'm sitting I can see a toilet roll tube totem pole, a foam sheep, a papermache pot full of paerclips and a fimo elephant – all at least 10 years old!
    Is there a time limit on how long things can or should reasonably be kept?
    Actually I'm thinking these magnificent characters you have here could be stuck onto cards and given to friends/relatives on their birthdays – bonus!

    1. I actually don't like a lot of clutter so they stick around for a while. I encourage them to give them to their friends and then we keep one or two favorites in their rooms.

  6. Crystelle Boutique says:

    I love it! paper crafts are always so fun to do…. Festive creatures you came up with here….. 🙂
    XoX, Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  7. Kaz @ Melting Moments says:

    Such a fun idea!

  8. Crystal Nell says:

    I love the zombie and rotten flesh. This is a great idea for kids. Mine are grown, but I'm pinning this for my friends who still have kids at home. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  9. Brooke Bock says:

    As a kindergarten teacher I love doing art with the kids. This year's class was especially talented and creative. They loved our open art center and chose that activity over recess often. Favorite supplies were markers, glue, toilet paper rolls, Styrofoam cups and strips of paper as well as long rolls of paper. I loved the things they came up with. One of my favorites was a large cylinder/tube that had holes in it…a mask for me to wear. It fit!

    1. My little guys surprise me every time. I love seeing what they come up with!

  10. srpprcrftr says:

    You're a great and smart Mom. It does get to be that way before you know it, the "I'm bored" syndrome. Giving your kids a craft making things out of squares of paper is excellent, great hand eye coordination skills, using their imaginations, comparing with each other, great activity. Coloring in books gets "boring" also before too long so making the things to make things is so good for them. They don't even realize they're using skills and learning more skills. It's interesting to see how kids from same family use their minds and are able to figure things out in such different ways.
    My oldest 3 are pretty close in age so I'd try to find ways to peek their interests when they were young. I had 3 kids in 4 1/2 yrs. Oldest is a girl then 2 boys 16 months apart but such different personalities. Maybe I should have been teacher as I find all that very intriguing. I was going to be a teacher but got married at 19 and had kids right away.
    Happy summer days

    1. Thank you! It is very interesting how different they are…