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MEOW! Easy DIY Kitty Cat Costume

Whoo Hoo!  One costume down and one to go…  We had major flip-flopping costume plans this year.  First she wanted to be a flower, and then she wanted to be a gumball machine.  (No idea where that came from, but I had some awesome ideas involving old ball pit balls…)  She finally settled on a kitty cat costume.  
I was actually very happy with that, because the kitty costume I had in mind was going to be much easier than the other two ideas.

I originally was going to just put her in a solid tee and matching leggings, then tack the fur trim by hand, but when we were at hobby lobby looking at the fur trim, she spotted this leopard print knit fabric.

The fabric is darling (though I would prefer a grey leopard print, hint hint hobby lobby..)  I figured sewing leggings and a tee would be fairly simple.  And it was.

I used my flounce legging tutorial for the leggings.  (I just made them full length and left off the flounce.)

Then I used my dropped waist dress tutorial for the top.  (I made the sleeves long and shortened the skirt.)

Then I hand sewed a little bit of fur trim around the sleeves, neck and ankles.  I originally had a little bit more fur down the front of her top, but I took it off as it was making the outfit look a little bit too holiday-ish.

DIY Cat costume

I’m not crazy about the make-up job I did.  I am going to have to search around the internet for some easy cat make-up tutorials.  I was going for a heart shaped nose, but it came out looking a little bit like a pig nose…

And of course you’ve probably seen the cat ear headband tutorial I did last week.

For the tail, I use a marabou feather boa.  I just wrapped the boa around some wire.  Then added a little felt hook to the top and bottom of her top.

I wrapped the bottom piece of wire around the loop at the bottom of her costume and then used a trash tie to attach the top wire loop to the loop on the top of her costume.

That is pretty much all there is to the costume!  The best part is when Halloween is over, I plan to remove the fur trim and walla, a new set of jammies!

What halloween sewing do you have planned?

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  1. So adorable!! You did a wonderful job!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! I hope you will come enter our Halloween Costume Contest as well!

  2. megan {homemade ginger} says:

    AH! That's adorable! Maybe the cutest little kitten I've ever seen! 🙂

    I would LOVE for you to link this up at my Ginger Jamboree Link Party!!

  3. Really cute! Love that fabric!
    Thanks for linking up this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  4. Trisha @ The Sweet Survival says:

    Cute! What an adorable costume – I love the fabric and pink fluffiness!

  5. Aww, adorable! You have such a cute and sweet kitty!

  6. Justine of SewCountryChick says:

    It's sew cute Jamie! Meow!

  7. Christine says:

    The cutest cat EVER!!!! Next year you are making my kids' costumes!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at TheDIYDreamer.com – From Dream To Reality!

  8. Kelsey Poofy Cheeks says:

    Love it!! 🙂

  9. Simple Simon & Co says:

    I love the touch of pink….beautiful photos!

  10. Awwww, that costume is adorable and the little model is too! I found you on Someday Crafts and I am a new follower.

  11. Smart! School {House} says:

    Oh so pretty! Great job, you should be very proud! Thanks for coming to party with us at Whimsy Wednesday!

    Smart! School {House}

  12. Sweet kitty. Very cute and fun to make the costume. Also festive decoration.

  13. Sunae Reilly says:

    Love the leopard print! It looks so nice on her and it's great that you can use the costume afterwards as jammies! I love it when special occassion clothes can be made more wearable!