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Easy Flower Hair Clips

Learn how to make these darling, Super Quick and Easy Floral Hair Clips!

Make these super quick and easy flower hair clips!

Browsing around at my local Hobby Lobby, I found these gorgeous pink and purple flowers in the wedding section!   I knew they would look adorable as clips in my Lil’ Missy’s hair and grabbed a couple.  (They are especially cute at the top of her pony tail!)

diy flower hair clips

Truly, these little clips could not be any easier to make!

Supplies needed:


Depending on the type of flower you are using, remove the wire and/or snip off the plastic tip so the bottom of the flower is flat.

The flowers I used already had a small piece of felt glued to the bottom.  If yours does not, you will need  to glue a nickel size piece of felt to the bottom of the flower.

If using a snap clip with holes, hand stitch the flower onto the clip through the felt and holes.

hair clip tutorial
If using an alligator clip, you will need to cut a 2nd nickel size piece of felt and sandwich the top alligator prong between the two pieces of felt.

how to make hair clips

 Allow plenty of time to dry and that is all there is to it!

how to make flower hair clips

So cute!

Make these super quick and easy flower hair clips!

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One Comment

  1. What a cute and simple DIY idea- I try to be crafty (with mixed results) but this looks like something I could do! Thanks for sharing!

    I stopped by from One Project at a Time.