
Kid Craft: Coffee Filter Flowers

This coffee filter flower craft for the kids is made with coffee filters, markers, pipe cleaners and water in a spray bottle. The kids will love watching the marker ink spread!

coffee filter flowers

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Make Something Monday- Coffee Filter Flowers Craft

For our Make Something Monday craft this week, my daughter and I made coffee filter flowers (my son is with grandma this week).  

These little flowers were so easy and so much fun, my five-year-old was pretty much able to do this one all on her own.

how to make coffee filter flowers

Materials needed for Coffee Filter Flowers:

  • Coffee Filters
  • Washable Markers
  • Spray Bottles
  • Pipe Cleaners


Color the coffee filters with the markers.

Spray the filters with water.

Lay them out to dry and watch the colors run together. (They dry really fast in the sun!)

Optional: Put on a pretty headband and pose with your dry coffee filters. 😉

Fold the coffee filters into fourths.  You can experiment with different folds for different looks.

Pinch the bottom of the coffee filter and wrap the end of a pipe cleaner around the pinched area.

coffee filter flower craft

Tada!  You’ve got a coffee filter flower!  Make a bunch for a pretty bouquet.

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  1. Those are so fun! Thanks for linking up this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  2. dejavuedesigns says:

    These flowers are too cute! This is a much easier technique than I've seen in the past….thanks so much!

  3. Christine says:

    Such a CUTE and beautiful ideas!! I could see my girls and I getting lost with fun creating some of those flowers!

    Thank you so very much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream to Reality! 🙂

  4. Brittany @ My Decoupaged Life says:

    Fun! I love the different possibilities coffee filters have. Just yesterday my daughter and I made a butterfly. I think she would love making flowers as well. Just so you know, I featured you on today's Show Off Saturday!

  5. Style Sisters says:

    The is very fun! I will have to do this with my grandkids!

  6. What a great idea. I found your post via the It's a Keeper link up. I have linked in a beef dish.
    Have a lovely day.

  7. So fun!! I love them! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  8. Rachel @ The Philosophers Wife says:

    Oh, this looks like so much fun! My toddler has been obsessed with flowers lately–I might be able to assist her in making these!

    (If you're interested, I'd love you to link this up at my Teaching Time for Toddlers!

  9. Recipes We Love says:

    We used the same idea in the fall and cut the paper into leaf shapes and hung on the windows. a couple are still there actually 🙂

  10. Shannah @ Just Us Four says:

    So fun! I am going to pin this so I will have for a rainy day to do with my kids.

  11. Steph @ Crafting in the Rain says:

    Fun–I love that the kids get to be involved in every part of this.

  12. My daughter, who is in pre-school came home with one of these just yesterday! When I saw it, I thought that it was a coffee filter dipped in colored water. She told me that she used markers for it, and I was kind of surprised by it. Now I see how it was done! Such a clever idea!

  13. Tara Denny says:

    Cool! I know what I'm going to do tomorrow with the kid!
    You have the best ideas!

    Nowhere to go But Crazy

  14. Mama Jodi says:

    Just pinned this. What a great idea. I will link back when we do it. I know my kids will love it.

  15. Mackenzie says:

    These are awesome! So creative! I'd love to invite you to share this with my readers on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes, I know they will love them as well! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie 🙂

  16. Oh my those are too cute. thanks for sharing! I will be putting this on my art lesson for homeschool.