Menu Plan Monday – 05/27/13
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Happy Monday everyone! I’m a little late getting my post up, we’ve had a busy weekend and I fell asleep on the couch last night instead of typing up my post…
My mothers day gift was yard work. Specifically re-doing and enlarging the little garden on the side of our house. (We jokingly refer to this garden as the bird sanctuary, but that really is what it is. We have so many cardinals, titmouses, chickadees, painted buntings, hummingbirds and other unidentified yellow birds and they love this little spot.)
We have been shoveling rock off and on for a couple of days now… Almost done! Now we can start planting.

Anyway, that is what has been going on around here…
On to the menu!
Monday: Barbecue (we were too busy/tired to smoke anything our self, so we will “make do” 🙂 with Smokey Moe’s…)
Tuesday: I hope to have enough leftovers for tonight, but if not I will defrost something from the freezer
Wednesday: Quesadillas and Salad

Thursday: Lasagna Skillet, lightened up (I am so behind on posting new recipes, but this one is at the top of the list. I should have it up by Wednesday at the latest…)

Friday: Red Beans and Rice

Saturday: Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli Skillet

Sunday: Creamy Chicken Verde Tacos

I will be linking up over at Be sure to check it out for tons of meal ideas!