
Menu Plan Monday 6/11/12

Happy Monday everyone!  Here is our menu for the week.  Most of these meals will come together very quickly since I almost always have my meats precooked and pre-portioned in the freezer :

Monday:  Orange Sesame Chicken Salad
Tuesday:  Creamy Rigatoni with Sausage and Red Peppers

Wednesday:  Skinny Parmesan Crusted Chicken  (This is a good one, the chicken cooks up in +/- 25 minutes.

Thursday:  Ham and Cheese Mini Quiches 

Friday:  7 Layer Taco Bowls.  Whether or not I go to the trouble of baking the bowls or just serving the tacos soft will just depend how I feel on Friday evening…

Saturday:  Leftovers or something simple…

Sunday:  Penne with Chicken, Spinach and Tomatoes

I will be linking up over at orgjunkie.com‘s menu plan Monday!

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  1. learningtobefrugal says:

    Thanks for posting your menu. Have a great week!


  2. Kara at Petals to Picots says:

    I want to come eat at your house 🙂

  3. Your taco salad bowls are beautiful! Looks like a delicious week.