Show and Tell: Laundry Room
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It’s done, I’m so happy! Now only if I can keep it clean and organized! That may actually be a bigger challenge than finishing the room.
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My laundry room has been a mess for the last year.
When we moved into the house, hardly anything was finished. None of the cabinets were stained or painted, the only plumbing that was finished was the kitchen and one full bathroom. No backsplashes anywhere, nothing was grouted except the one bath that was finished. No countertops in the laundry room. Only about one quarter of the trim in the house had been caulked and painted. And the whole house had to be repainted. There was over-spray everywhere and Lowe’s could not re-match the paint they sold us. (They blame it on an old paint mixer that they have now replaced.) We are still slowly working on the painting and caulking.
Since we were repainting anyway, I went ahead and chose a different color for the laundry room. The original color was just too dark, especially since this room doesn’t have any windows. The new paint is a new brand from Olympic and has paint and primer in one. It worked really well and we only had to apply one coat to cover the old color. The new color is called Flemish Sky. I love how bright and pretty it is.
I finally have a nice new countertop for folding laundry. (Hubby installed it himself.) Of course, it hardly ever looks this nice as it is usually covered with…
wait for it…
I’d been sending my husband photos of all the laundry storage cabinets people have been making from the plans off of I think he got tired of it, because out of the blue one day, he brought me home this chrome shelf from Lowes.
It certainly helps.
Everyone has a basket and I am able to sort clothing as it comes out of the dryer for folding later. In the past, I’d been doing all the laundry at one time, about every 7 to 10 days. That is a lot of laundry coming out of the dryer in a short amount of time.
So it is nice to have a place to put it out of the way until I am ready to fold it, as this is a very high traffic area.
The white shelf hanging on the wall was an unfinished shelf you find at the craft stores. I got this one from Hobby Lobby and was able to use my 40% off coupon on it. I painted it with leftover trim paint and the white framed flower pictures were something I already had. The flower pictures used to be in our spare bedroom (pre-children.) I am glad to have a place to put them, because I always thought they were so cute!
Tucked around the corner, across from the white shelf is a laundry chute. Or as the kids call it, “the dirty clothes hole.” I didn’t get around to painting that and probably never will. (At least not until it is time to sell the house,lol.)
The door on the left, leads out to the driveway and the door on the right, leads to one of the garages. I do want to get an exterior glass door with mini-blinds built into the glass, it would be so nice to have some natural light in this room.

So, my new goal is to actually put the dirty laundry in the laundry sorter, instead of the floor! When a basket gets full, I’ll just throw it into the wash. 🙂 At least, I think that’s how it will work- keeping up with the laundry is definitely my weakness.

Hubby has bought a new shorter attachment for the back of my dryer. Once he hooks it up, I will be able to push the washer and dryer back several more inches.
A friend has promised me a bunch of his leftover wine crates (he owns a liquor store,) I would love to have a few for the tops of the upper cabinets and on top of the fridge.
These little brown baskets are from Target. They’re really more decorative than anything else as I have plenty of storage in this room.
This photo is the view from the laundry room to the mud room. I have more pictures of the mud room in my kitchen tour post.
I don’t have many true “before” pictures, but here are a few pictures I found of the laundry room in progress. We’ve just been working on everything in stages and I wish I had done a better job documenting how unfinished everything that was when we moved in.
See the overspray? It is everywhere! Very noticeable here…