
I Think this Box is Possessed! (and other spooky Halloween stories…)

So the other evening, the missy and I decided to go for a walk before it got too dark…

We were having a great little walk.  Quality mother-daughter bonding, and that sort of thing.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a box.

The strange thing about this box was that it appeared to be abandoned in the middle of an open field.

It just seemed to be a weird place for a box.

Oh well, I had other things to think about and quickly dismissed the box and my missy and I continued on our walk.

I began to have this really strange and creepy feeling…

I turned around and looked at the box.  Had it moved?

Silly me, I’d been watching too many scary movies and I think they were getting the best of me, lol.

Then…  I thought I caught a flash of movement.

I turned around.  That box had definitely moved!

I was still having this strange uneasy feeling, its hard to explain – kind of like that feeling you get when you know you are going to be in trouble for something.

I didn’t say anything to my little missy as I didn’t want to spook her too and since we weren’t far from home, I sent her on back to the house while I finished my walk.


That might have been a mistake…

I turned around one more time and…






I might just be regretting that decision to keep walking.


Oh, wait…  It’s just a trick or treater wanting candy!

DIY Possesed Box Costume

Want to make your own little Possessed Box Costume? It’s easy and makes a great last-minute Costume idea!

Grab an extra large box.  Cut it apart and turn it inside out so any printing or advertising in on the inside and tape it back together.

Cut a few holes, add a scary mask and voilà, you have your very own DIY Possessed Box Costume!


Now for a few more Halloween stories I promised…


Why didn’t the skeleton like the Halloween candy?
He didn’t have the stomach for it!


Why do ghosts like to ride in elevators?
It raises their spirits.


Happy Halloween!

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