
5 Ways To Get The New Year Started Off Right

This post is sponsored by H&R Block but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

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The time for setting New Year’s resolutions is here!

Have you sat down and thought about how you are going to improve your upcoming year? Honestly, the thought of the entire process can be a bit overwhelming if you try to think of everything in your life that you want to do better. (My list would be never-ending!) BUT, when you make a list of 5 obtainable goals to get the New Year started off right, it suddenly doesn’t seem like such a mountain to climb! (and honestly, why stress yourself out with a resolution overload?!)

If you’ve been thinking about how you can improve in the upcoming year, here are 5 ways that will help you get the ball rolling!

5 Ways To Get The New Year Started Off Right

1. Get your finances in order and prepare your taxes early.

Finances are important! This should be near the top of everyone’s resolution list. My husband and I are both self-employed, which makes tax preparation a bit more labor intensive.  In years past, we’ve always procrastinated up to the point where we have to file an extension and then we still leave them undone till almost October 15th!  It’s not a good feeling to have a tax deadline looming over you the entire year.  It’s possible we were a bit behind the times because up until last year, we were doing everything by hand.  Then it was like magic – I discovered I was able to download all our information from our various banks into a spreadsheet.  Talk about a time saver! 

This year, my goal is to get our taxes done, filed (and paid) before January is over.  Luckily, the experts at H&R Block are here to guide us every step of the way.

What I think is great about H&R Block is that they offer upfront, transparent pricing. H&R Block thinks you should know the price of your taxes before you begin filing. (Hello, I agree!  I love knowing the price upfront – nothing worse than being hit with surprises or hidden fees!) 

And whether you file online yourself (including online, software-based and mobile app DIY products), at home with assistance (with Tax Pro Go, the only virtual tax prep service available) or visit a local tax office (H&R Block has more retail locations than any other tax prep company, with thousands of expert tax pros across the country), H&R Block has the right solution for you, where you want and when you want and fits your lifestyle.  

Since our taxes are a bit more complicated, we will always need to meet in person with our local H&R Block Tax pro and I feel great and love the peace of mind I get knowing there are expert tax pros standing by to help when we need it to ensure our taxes are done right!

I encourage you to visit the H&R Block web page and check out their services and transparent pricing and get your finances and taxes in order by the end of January too! It’s not too late to make an appointment either, as the process is so fast and easy. All I had to do was input my zip code, answer a few questions, and then I was able to hand select a Tax Pro that was right for my husband and me.

2. Stress less by planning out your family meals on a weekly or monthly basis.

I don’t know about you, but I can spend hours wondering what to cook on a weekly basis. While I love to eat and create, I often struggle with ideas that my entire family will enjoy. One easy way to tackle this conundrum is to sit down on Sunday night and plan out your entire week of meals in advance. That way, on that day, you don’t waste any time looking around and trying to figure out what to make and serve for dinner.

Personally, I like to do my meal planning on a more monthly basis as I shop on a bi-weekly basis.  My method is to print out a calendar and plan my meals based on batch cooking protein and then add in the meals around the pre-cooked protein.  (Time saver!)


Want a copy of this printable blank monthly planner?  Grab it here.

3. Make a daily or weekly plan on how to spend your time.

This is huge. I often wonder how much time I waste daily getting distracted and spinning my wheels. (I’m not gonna waste any more time calculating that number…) Conquering this, however, is simple. Make a plan and structure for your days. While there can be some wiggle room in this, at least you will then have a basis of what to do or where to put your focus if you suddenly feel lost.

And I love lists!  There is just something so satisfying about being able to mark something as complete.

Grab a copy of this Weekly Goal Planner here.

4. Clear the space around you and make it more open

A cluttered home causes a cluttered mind. If you are trying to accomplish anything in your home, but can’t work around the piles and piles of clutter, you need to find a way to get rid of it and give your home and space a more open feel. Decluttering not only feels good, it truly does give you a more relaxed and organized feeling.  January is the perfect time to get in the process of removing clutter!

5.  Understand that a New Year holds brand new possibilities

One the best ways to start off the New Year is to remember that it’s just that…a brand New Year full of amazing possibilities. The past is the past and the future holds endless opportunities.

With these simple tips to starting off the New Year right, you will be well on your way to making the upcoming year one of the best ones yet. Remember to be true to you and don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you cause a reverse on your positive efforts. This New Year, know that you hold the power to kicking it off and taking it by storm once that clock strikes midnight on January 1st!

Now it’s your turn!  I would love to know what your best tips for getting organized are.  Share in the comments below.

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  1. I’ve been taking the time to re-evaluate our finances & eliminate bills. We love H&R Block and have used them a lot in the past.

  2. Kristine Nicole Alessandra says:

    Most of us start off the new year with high hopes and then soon enough the excitement wanes when we get overwhelmed with the tasks we have to face. What works for me best is to declutter right after Christmas, then start looking at my financial status on the first week of the new year. Thanks for your tips too. I will have to try these out and see how it would make me breeze through this year with less stress.

    1. Thas a good plan. I always start my decluttering a few days after the new year as I like to leave my Christmas tree up til then.

  3. Robyn Rosenzweig says:

    I love these resolutions because they are all totally doable. It’s all about setting the time aside and committing to getting it done. Something I often struggle with.

  4. Lori Bosworth says:

    I already decluttered my working space this week and it feels so much better. I’m also going to get a jump on my tax preparation and have it done in February.