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Cascading Ruffles Peasant Dress

Do you remember my Peasant Dress tutorial and pattern I posted a few months ago?  I have another version using the peasant dress pattern to show you.

The Cascading Ruffle Peasant Dress!

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I actually started this dress in November and am just now finishing it.  

I am not sure why I procrastinated so much, because it turned out adorably.  (The dress was practically finished, it only needed the neck elastic and hem.)

I think the leggings are a bit overkill for the outfit maybe… we’ll probably wear the top with black leggings next time and she has plenty of other tops to wear with the pink leggings. (Free legging pattern found here.)

Making this dress/top is really easy.  (I am more into making her tunic tops right now rather than dresses because in kindergarten they spend a lot of time on the floor- and in the dirt during recess…)

To make the cascading ruffle, I grabbed the ruffle pattern found on little blue boo.  (Its actually for a skirt, but the ruffle worked out great as an addition to my peasant top.

If you are making a size 3 and up you can probably get away with 5 cascading ruffle strips.  For smaller sizes, maybe just 3 strips.  (I haven’t tried this on a smaller size, so just play with how many ruffle strips you want to use.)

For our top, I used the ruffle as is, no trimming.  It was the perfect size.  The ruffle is very easy to trim down if you decide it is too long for your dress/top.

How to add a cascading ruffle to a peasant top.

  1. To place the ruffles, cut out your peasant dress pieces and ruffle pieces.  To align the ruffles, measure down from the top edge 1 3/4 inches.  Use a fabric marker or chalk mark this line across the top.
  2. Find the middle and mark it.  Depending on how many ruffles you use, space them evenly and no closer than about 2 1/2 inches from the side seam.  Follow the little blue boo tutorial for attaching the ruffles.
  3. Sew up the peasant dress as instructed in the peasant dress tutorial.


So cute!  I love the way the ruffles fall.



I asked for a smile here, this is what I got…

Let me know if you make this version.  Don’t forget about the split neck peasant dress tutorial version too!


My favorite fabric shop for knits:  Funkalicious Fabrics.
  1. My Sewing Machine: SINGER 9960 Quantum Stylist
  2. My Serger: Brother 1034D 3 or 4 Thread Serger or you can just use Pinking Shears
  3. Rotary Cutter
  4. I love my large ruler and large cutting mat, but you may prefer to start of with a smaller Cutting set
  5. Dritz Dual Purpose Marking Pen and Fray Check
  6. Ball Point needles
  7. Singer walking foot or universal walking foot
  8. Blind hem foot.
  9. Wonder clips (I didn’t use these in the post, but they are just awesome!

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  1. Amanda Davisson says:

    Yes, I would love to know how to do the long sleeves as well!

    1. I do now have a long sleeve pattern, it can be found on the original peasant dress post.

  2. Jill Armentrout says:

    Do you know where I can find the tutorial for the long sleeves?? Thank you!!

    BTW.. I LOVE the leggings!!

  3. Stella Nemeth says:

    I think the leggings work with the sleeves. I'd leave the outfit the way it is. The outfit is as sweet as the little girl wearing it.

  4. So very cute! Pinning it!

  5. Simple Simon & Co says:

    I don't think the striped leggings are too much…I was actually thinking it would be cute with black and white polka dot leggings to…but don't listen to me…I never think that too much is too much.
    Love it!

  6. So cute! I love the ruffles! And I think the leggings are cute with the outfit, too. 🙂

  7. Fluster Buster says:

    I found you from Sugar Bee Crafts! I'm your newest follower via GFC. I host Fluster Creative Muster Party on Wednesdays and I would love it if you would come by and party with us. Hope to see you there!

    Hugs, Smiles, and Blessings,

    Fluster Buster

  8. So cute!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  9. kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor says:

    Super cute, Jamie!! I love a good ruffly piece!

  10. Barbara Hiatt says:

    Adorbs!!! I love it!

  11. Jenny Romaine says:

    I love it! It's adorable!

  12. I love this (even with the pink leggings!) I've got three little girls who would love it, too! I'll be featuring this on my blog tomorrow!


    Thanks for linking up!