
Kid Craft: Hand Sewn Felt Pouches

Hand sewing projects for kids:

Kid Craft: Felt Pouches from www.scatteredthoughtsofacraftymom.com

I let my daughter do a little hand sewing over the holidays and she loved it!  Now, whenever she picks up a little piece of scrap fabric off my floor, she wants to sew something with it.  I figured I would help her make something she could actually use.

She sometimes has a little trouble keeping her stitches from getting tangled (which can be frustrating for her, so I thought working with felt and embroidery thread would make it easier.

I also recruited my 7-year-old son to make a pouch too.  He wasn’t thrilled when I showed him our project, but he liked his finished result (it was good for him – better than playing on his tablet…)

How to make a Hand Sewn Felt Pouch (kid craft)

Materials Needed:

  • 16 by 7 inch piece of felt (You could go bigger or smaller based on the size pouch you want.)
  • Embroidery needle and floss (when comparing embroidery needles, there are large wider needles and skinnier styles, be sure to go for the skinnier style, the larger one will be more difficult to push through the felt.
  • Chalk or fabric marker
  • safety pins
  • Optional small scrap pieces of felt for embellishment
  • Optional button or small square of velcro if you want to ad a fastener
Cut your felt int a 16 by 7 inch piece.


Fold one end of the felt up to make a pocket.  Pin the pocket in place with safety pins.
For a smaller child you may want to mark the sewing spots with a fabric marker or chalk.


Cut +/- 85 inch piece of embroidery floss and thread your needle.

Make the first stitch and tie of the end with a secure knot.

Start sewing!  Smaller kids may need assistance in keeping the thread from tangling.


We cut some small flowers and circles and just tacked them on with the embroidery floss to dress up one of our pouches.


As a closure, I sewed on a button and used a sharp pair of scissors and cut a small slit as a button hole through the top flap and flower embellishment.

That’s it, they loved ’em!


Have fun making pouches with your little ones.

Questions?  Leave a comment and I will do my best to help!

If you liked this type of craft, you may be interested in some of my other crafts for kids:



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  1. Holly Lefevre (504 Main) says:

    Great projects – my daughter really wants to learn to sew – how perfect!

  2. misselayneous says:

    Saw your craft just now at Craft-O-Maniac. It's super cute. This craft would be a fun way to teach kids how to sew 🙂


  3. Bonnie and Trish @ Uncommon says:

    What a sweet idea! You just inspired me… my daughter has to make a "valentine holder" for school and this is a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing at Monday Funday!

  4. Mel@Mellywood's Mansion says:

    This is gorgeous, my daughter would love this!

  5. havingfunatchelleshouse says:

    Those are adorable little pouches and WONDERFUL smiles on those kiddos!

    Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  6. Alison Wood says:

    Very cute craft. I love your pics! I just posted a project similar to this on my blog:) Great minds think a like, right? Found you at House of Hepworths Party

    Visiting from Pint-sized Treasures

  7. Your timing is perfect! I have been looking for a simple sewing project for a 2nd grade Girl Scout troop. Thank you for sharing,