Flutter Sleeve Peasant Top Tutorial with Free Pattern
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Free flutter sleeve peasant top pattern!
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How to make a flutter sleeve peasant top
We have a new top to love! A sweet little Flutter Sleeve Peasant top. The top is roomy and comfortable. Just perfect for summer, without being too full like many other peasant or pillow case tops can be.
I’m not sure if this top will meet the standards for the kindergarten dress code or not. (I hope it does!) We’ll wear the outfit to kindergarten camp and I will ask if it does. The dress code says no spaghetti straps or large armholes. In my opinion, the top seems OK, but we’ll see. (If it passes, I will probably make a few more…)
I have created a free tutorial if you would like to make a Flutter Sleeve Peasant Top of your own!
To make this top you need:
- peasant dress/top and sleeve pattern
- about 3/4 yard of fabric for size 6 and under. Larger sizes will need additional fabric due to width needed
- single fold bias tape (optional)
- +/ 24 inches of 1/4 inch elastic
- basic sewing supplies (ruler, thread, scissors, etc)
Step 1: Print the pattern and cut out the fabric pieces.
Print the patterns. The peasant dress/top pattern can be found here and the flutter sleeve pattern can be found here.
*** Important pattern printing tip*** When printing the patterns, do not print directly from Google docs. (The pattern prints slightly smaller when printed directly off Google docs.) Download the pattern to your computer and open it in your adobe acrobat reader. Choose actual size and if your printer has option for auto portrait/landscape, it’s ok to choose that option.)
Cut out size needed.
Measure your little one from the bottom of her armpit to where you would like the top to end. Add 1 inch to this measurement.
Fold your fabric in half with the selvages to the middle. (This may not work for larger sizes.)

Line the pattern up on the fold of the fabric. (The pattern has been updated since the photo below was taken- line the pattern up on the fold.)
Measure down from the armpit with your measurement. Follow the edge of the pattern to get a slight A-line edge. (you want to add 1.5 to two inches to the width.) Cut a front and a back bodice piece.

Line up the sleeve pattern on the fold of the fabric and cut two sleeves.

Step 2: Sewing the top and preparing the armholes.
Place the front and back of the top right sides together and sew the edges as shown below. Finish these seams with a zig zag stitch on your machine, Pinking Shears or with a serger.

Press the seam flat.

I like to use single fold bias tape on exposed armhole seams. If you want to use this method, follow along. (If not, fold the fabric edges of the armholes over 1/4 inch press, fold over another 1/4 inch and press, then sew along the folded edge.)
Lay out the top, right sides facing out. Open up the bias tape as shown (open the side closest to the armhole edge) and line the edge of the bias tape up with the edge of the armhole

Pin it down securely.

Sew a straight stitch right along the first crease.

Fold the bias tape over over to the back of the top, right along the crease you just sewed in, keeping the other side folded up. Iron the bias tape and armhole flat and then pin it securely.
Sew a straight stitch along the edge. (I marked where to stitch in blue.)

When you flip the top right side out, it should look like this. So pretty and neat!

Step 3: Preparing and attaching the sleeves.
Lay the sleeve out flat. Find the rounded side and fold the edge up 1/4 inch, press, fold another 1/4 inch and press again.

Sew along the folded edge. Repeat on the second sleeve.
Fold the side edges of the sleeve in 1/4 inch and another 1/4 inch to conceal the raw edge. Then, right sides together, line up the edge of the sleeve to the edge of the armhole. All of the raw edges should be facing up towards the top of the top.
Repeat with the second sleeve. (Ignore that the sleeve edges aren’t folded over, I re-did them after this picture.) Flip the shirt around and line the sleeve edges up on the other side. Sew the sleeves to the bodice, 1/4 inch from the edge.
Step 4: Create the casing and add the elastic.
Fold the top edge of the top in 1/4 inch and press.
Fold the edge over another 5/8 inch, press and sew right along the folded edge to make a casing. There are several layers of fabric at the sleeve edges so go slow and make sure your fabric feeds through the machine evenly. Leave a 1.5 inch opening to thread the elastic through.
Attach a safety pin to one end of the elastic and thread it through the neck line casing. I always have my daughter try the top on and custom fit the neckline. Sew the elastic together with a zig zag stitch (going back and forth a few times) taking care that the elastic is not twisted. Then sew the opening closed.
Step 5: Hemming the bottom of the top.
Fold the bottom edge in 1/4 inch, press, fold in another 1/4 inch, press and sew along the folded edge. And there you have it, you are done!
Not too shabby ! Now have your sweet princess try on the top and pose for a few pictures!
Link for shorts: Cici Shorts.

I spent a lot of time on this one, leave me a comment and let me know what you think! (My seven year old son even pitched in as a fit model during the muslin stage since his sister was at Grandmas. )

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