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Last Minute Teacher Gift

I came across these insulated drink tumblers at Walmart a few weeks ago.  I grabbed two, one for my daughter’s MDO teacher and one for our bus driver.  (We already gave my son’s 1st grade teacher her gift, you can see it here.)

I filled the cups with packets of instant Starbucks Iced coffee and packets of pink lemonade.  I found the flag printable here and just used Photoshop Elements to customize what the flag said.  So easy and the gifts came out really cute!  I wish I had bought a couple more of these tumblers.  I hope Walmart still has them the next time I am there so I can get a couple for myself.

Linking up here.

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  1. Christine says:

    Very very cute!!!! I may just do the same thing for my daughter's teacher!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  2. I made these too for my daughters teachers! So cute!

  3. These are super cute! I've been looking for something easy, but not too cheezy to give my little girl's teachers. Thanks for sharing this idea! …now I just need to find some tumblers 🙂

  4. Wendy Portales says:

    That is alot easier than my last-minute teacher gift! Great idea, and I love those cups, I have one attached to my hand at all times…even now. 🙂

  5. Mary Ellen says:

    Bed Bath and Beyond sell these cups as well if you have one nearby.

    How did you change the text in PS? I am trying a few tricks… but nothing is erasing the text.

    1. Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom says:

      I used the color dropper to select the background color and then used a hard brush to paint over the original text. I erased a bit of the blue line too, but I redrew the line using the same method. Hope that helps.

  6. Kristi Wolff says:

    We found the tumblers at Ross. I purchased one for each of my daughter's teachers and put a Starbucks gift card inside along with a handwritten note from my daughter. They absolutely loved it!

  7. That's a great idea. I've noticed that most of my son's classmates don't do a end of the year gift, but we just had a teacher appreciation event where the kids took in a gift each day. This would be a great idea for that. (One of the gifts is supposed to be office supplies. This year I made up a cute basket of pens and markers, but I wanted something a bit more personal.) Saving this idea for next year.

  8. What a very thoughtful gift that a teacher would absolutely use almost daily! So sweet to remember the bus driver, a much deserved gift. Just visiting from the May Blog Hop and am now following you. I would also love to invite you to link this up to Freedom Fridays Blog Hop.


    PS Check out my May 24th post where I am co hosting Katherine's Corner Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. TWO Parties, one place! So hoping to see you there!

  9. I've been looking for these tumblers — who would've thought Walmart?!! 🙂 Thanks for reminding me to get a gift for our bus driver. He definitely deserves it!

  10. Dayna at Precut Paradise says:

    Great last minute idea…every teacher deserves a gift! Not to mention that bus driver, that must be a hard job!