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Bandana Tablecloths

Bandana Tablecloths are super simple to make and make an amazing table cloth for an outdoor setting or party!

Bandana Tablecloths

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We’ve finally moved in and are excited to have the excuse to have friends over! I wanted to make everything for my son’s 6th birthday party and these bandana tablecloths were my favorite make!

This was actually a very simple project. I went to hobby lobby and picked up 24 different colored bandanas for 99 cents each.  (You might be able to find them cheaper online somewhere, but I did not have time to wait.)

 I have a son and a daughter, and I wanted to be able to use these tablecloths for any occasion, so the colors I went with were red, blue, green, navy, yellow, pink, and white. (Though a red, white, and blue one would be fabulous for the summertime holidays. *Update- I did finally make a quilt with the red white and blue bandanas. See the patriotic quilt here.)


  1.  Lay out the bandanas on the floor to decide the pattern.  
  2. Sew the bandanas together, with 3 rows of 4.  (This will cover a 6-foot folding table very well.)  You could do 3 rows of 5 bandanas if you wanted a more generous tablecloth.  
  3. Since the edges of the bandana are already finished, all you have to do is line them up, right sides together and sew.  Keep in mind, some of the bandanas don’t measure up perfectly, so you just have to adjust them as you go.  
  4. Sew the rows of three together first.  Then line up the corner intersections together, pin them and sew the rows of three together.  Like this

Notice the green one was larger than the blue?  I just adjusted for it as I sewed.  I didn’t even press the seams flat, I just used my pins to hold down the seam allowances.

I worked on this project for a few minutes at a time over a couple of days…  It was very quick and looked great!  Here it is in action at my son’s Birthday Party:

Let me know if you end up making a bandana tablecloth!

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  1. Allison @ House of Hepworths says:

    How cute! And so perfect for a party.

  2. this is great…perfect for summer, i have like a billion of these, on my to do list!
    thanks thanks thanks!!!

  3. La-Dee-da crafter says:

    So cute and awesome. This screams summmer to me. I love it!!!!
    I am having an event to support the troops over at my blog. Come on by and grab a button. Hope to see you there.

  4. Super creative and full of color *and inexpensive at that*! I’d love if you stop by

  5. gail@roomingwithgail says:

    I loved this! What a great idea.

  6. What a great idea!! It turned out so cute! You could use this for so many things. Thanks for sharing!!

    Kadie @ Seven Alive

  7. What a brilliant tablecloth!
    You used wonderful bright colours too!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!

  8. Kelly @ Make It Sparkly Mama says:

    That is awesome! Yes I would love a red and white one for summer! Love it!

  9. This table clothes looks really cute!