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DIY Carrot Treat Bags

Make these darling DIY Carrot Treat Bags with this Carrot Treat Bag Tutorial. These little treat bags are made with felt, so easy to make and just perfect to fill with your favorite Easter goodies and candy!  (Includes printable carrot template)

DIY Carrot Treat Bags

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DIY Carrot Treat Bags

My daughter’s turn to bring the snack to her Girl Scout meeting is coming up. In addition to the actual snack, she wanted to include a little take home treat for each of the girls.  Since the weather is finally acting like spring and with Easter being just around the corner, we wanted to make a special spring/Easter themed treat.  (Thanks to the The Hershey Company for partnering with me on this post!)

These little bags are just darling and would make a perfect craft for a group.  (Plus how cute would these be as an addition to your little ones Easter Baskets?)

Easy Carrot Treat Bags

Who doesn’t love candy during the Easter season?  From candy filled Easter eggs and baskets to delicious holiday treats, There’s candy everywhere!  Personally, I’m partial to the Cadbury Creme Eggs, while my Hubby is totally a Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg kind of guy.  (Especially the white ones!)  What is your favorite Easter Candy?

Are you ready to make these carrots??

Make these darling DIY Carrot Treat Bags with this Easy Carrot Treat Bag Tutorial. Made with felt and glue and perfect to fill with Easter candy!

Instructions to make a Carrot Treat Bag

Gather your supplies:


1.  Place the template over the orange felt and cut out the carrot shape.  (If you’re making a large amount of carrots, a rotary cutter makes the cutting process fly.)

2.  The green carrot toppers are 2 inches tall by 4.5 inches wide Cut out as many as you need.

3.  Use your scissors to add a fringe to the top of the green felt.

How to make a Carrot Treat Bag for Easter

4.  Add a line of glue to the top of the carrot and apply the green top. Repeat for the other side of the carrot.

how to make a carrot treat bag (no sew project)

5.  Flip carrot over and add a piece of Velcro.

6.  Add a line of glue to one side of the carrot

How to Make a Carrot Treat Bag for Easter.

7.  Place the second carrot piece on the glue.  Add the opposite piece of Velcro.  (I put the two Velcro pieces together and then removed the sticky back so they would line up perfectly.

Add a line of glue to the second side of the carrot and press together.

That’s it!  Now fill the carrot with your favorite Hershey’s Easter Candy!

Like this Craft? Don’t Forget to Pin it!

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  1. Mel at Adventures of Mel says:

    These are so cute! Perfect for Easter treats. Thanks for sharing at Inspire Me Wednesday. Featuring you in this week's issue.

  2. Diana Hansen says:

    Those are so adorable!!! Must pin!!

  3. Shannah @ Just Us Four says:

    This is such a cute idea. Great thinking.

  4. Mamal Diane says:

    What a cute idea, love it!

  5. Melanie @ bear rabbit bear says:

    What cute little carrot bags! Love it!

  6. Cathy Mini says:

    These carrot bags are seriously the cutest!

  7. Nicole Burkholder says:

    What a great idea! I love the idea that it's no sew!

  8. Michelle Nahom says:

    Very cute idea! My niece and nephews would love it!

  9. Jillian@FoodFolksandFun says:

    These bags are so cute, my kids would love them!

  10. foody schmoody says:

    These are very cute and I"m always looking for an easy craft for playdates, so thanks for the idea.

  11. Sarah Bates says:

    These are adorable! I wish my kids were still little so I could make them!

  12. Jenny Bullistron says:

    That is such a cute DIY! It's perfect for Easter and easy enough that young kids can help make it, and older kids can make them on their own. Love it! And…. I love Hershey's too!!

  13. Britney Mills says:

    How cute are these! I love this idea!