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Easiest Pillow You Will Ever Make

Aren’t these pretty?

Make a Pillow From a Placemat!

I made them!  Later in the post, I will show you how to make the Easiest Pillow Ever!

We bought an outdoor seating set from Walmart last year. The price was fabulous ($198.00), but the pillows and seat cushions that came with it were shades of brown.

I wanted to try to make some new pillows to brighten the seating set up a bit for Spring.

I recently saw the idea of making pillows out of placemats. It sounded so easy that I wanted to give it a try. I found these placemats at Target and figured they were perfect for my project!

To make the pillows:

First, you have to find a placemat that is double-sided, like this one:

You will also need a seam ripper, needle and thread, or sewing machine, and a bag of pillow stuffing.  I got my pillow stuffing at Hobby Lobby, and it looks like this.

Pick a spot and rip open the seam to create a hole large enough to get your hand through.  

Start stuffing the placemat:

Once you have it stuffed as full as you want it, re-align the seams and pin them in place if necessary.

Next, you need to sew (or hot glue) the opening you made back together.  

You could do this by hand or with a sewing machine.  Since my machine was already threaded with white thread, I used my machine.

Once the pillow is sewed up, pull the ends of the string through to the back side, tie off the ends, and cut the extra off.

I add always like to add a little sealer to the the ends for extra strength.

Ta-da!  You have a new pillow that only took about 15 minutes to make!

The seating set definitely looks better.  

I still need a rug (Sam’s Club has some that might work), and I think I will go back to Target and get one more of the flower placemats.  

I will have gotten five cute pillows for about 4.75 each and very little work. Can’t beat that!

Have fun making your own pillows!

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  1. What a neat idea! I love pillows and will be making some for sure. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Julie Snow says:

    I LOVE this idea! Very cute!

  3. wow! it looks warm and inviting now! can I come over??