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Experiments in Making a Flat Front Knit Skirt

Every time I see something cute in one of my kid’s clothing catalogs or on the Gymboree website, I file it away for inspiration.  (I have a huge inspiration file if only I had the time to get to everything.)  

One of the things I have been thinking about making is a flat-front skirt.  Just by looking at the construction of some of our other clothing items, I had a good idea of how to go about making one.

I decided to do a test skirt in a pink ribbed knit fabric that wasn’t a favorite fabric.  (One of the cons of buying fabric online.)  I think using such a stretchy knit was my problem…  I am not sure it is possible to do a true “flat front” skirt in a knit. (at least the way I had planned to make it.)  The front part of the skirt that was supposed to be flat, kept stretching out.  I am going to try another skirt this weekend, but this time I will use quilting cotton. 

*Update, I do now have a free knit flat front skirt pattern in multiple sizes for you, find the flat front ruffle skirt here.

The skirt still came out cute.  Exactly like the kind we wear so I will definitely make more.  (And maybe even a tutorial so you can make one too…)  The waistband is fairly flat.  Flat enough that it doesn’t look too full under her t-shirts.

We took these pictures before school the other morning, so she was in a pretty good mood.  It’s getting harder to get good photos with her…  I hope my little model doesn’t quit on me.  I am trying to make it fun for her by doing a “silly” picture and then a not silly picture.

What are some of your favorite places to find inspiration?

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  1. Christine says:

    The skirt is really fabulous! I sure hope you do create a tutorial!!! Lets hope she keeps modeling for you… she's too gorgeous not to take tons of pictures of her!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer… From Dream To Reality!

  2. What a fantastic skirt! I love being able to make clothes that I see in pictures. You did an awesome job.

  3. Wow ! The pink skirt looks fab… !! Looks so cute on ur kid ….. Especially I love the last 2 pics… !!

  4. Simply Stacie says:

    Hi Jamie,
    zuuzs is hosting a Spring Recipe Challenge and I'd like to invite you to join! It's a great opportunity for you to promote your blog and showcase your recipe in front of thousands of people. Plus, there's prizes including a $500 Gift Card for the Grand Prize and three $200 Gift Cards as the top Category prizes you can use to buy kitchen related wares.

    Please visit this post full contest details and how you can participate: http://www.simplystacie.net/2012/03/calling-all-cooks-join-the-zuuzs-grand-spring-recipe-challenge/

  5. I'm one of your followers. This is cute. Any ideas on what types of skirts work for different body types (especially mom-types who haven't lost baby weight)? I love making things that look so cute on the little princess of the family, but man oh man is it hard to find a flattering look for this momma!!!