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Sugar Cookies with Eggnog Frosting

It’s hard to believe, but we have less than 2 weeks until winter break!  It’s my very favorite time of the year, less go-go-go, and more cozy evenings in front of the fire, lazy mornings for sleeping in and quality snuggle time with family.

I hate to admit it, but this is the first year ever that I have not had our Christmas shopping done by the end of Thanksgiving weekend.  I really need to get a move on, I want be able to enjoy those last few quiet days once the kids are out of school, but before the holiday.

Shopping may not be done, but I have reached my final decision on what cookie to make for this year’s cookie exchange!  (So important, I know…)  Sugar Cookies with Eggnog Frosting!

Yummy Holiday Cookies topped with Eggnog Frosting! This yummy frosting recipe pairs with all different kind of cookies. The frosting dries to a soft yet firm finish, so they are perfect for gift giving or transporting to your next holiday party.

I happened to have a carton of the Silk Dairy Free Holiday Nog in the fridge and I thought it would be fun to use it in place of milk in my frosting recipe.  This was definitely a good idea!  So yummy and very sweet, you definitely can only eat one or two these at a time.

Have you tried the Silk Holiday Nog yet?  It’s so yummy and tastes just like the regular dairy version.  (Plus it only has 80 calories per serving!)

This icing recipe would pair well with other cookies too, but I just went with a standard sugar cookie.

Eggnog Cookie Frosting Recipe (double or reduce as needed for your # of cookies)


  • 3 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 3 Tbsp butter, softened
  • 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 – 2 Tbsp Silk Holiday Nog (or regular Eggnog)
  • ground nutmeg


  1. In large bowl, beat together cream cheese and butter until fluffy.
  2. Slowly add powdered sugar. Mix in enough Holiday Nog to reach desired consistency (start with one tablespoon.) Keep mixing until smooth and fluffy.
  3. Spread frosting over cookie and Sprinkle with a nutmeg

Frosts about 2 dozen medium size cookies.

Enjoy! Like this recipe? Don’t forget to pin it!

Looking for something else?  You might also like these.  (click the picture to go to the recipe.)

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