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Summer Activity Schedule for my 5 and 7 year old

Summer Activity Schedule ideas for 5 to 7-year-olds.

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School has been out for 2 weeks already, and we have been so busy!  

I’ve been trying to get this post up, but keep getting distracted by other stuff!

Last summer, we had a pretty good schedule going and I plan to do the same thing again this year.  It was inspired by this printable I found at Somewhat Simple.

Monday: will be for our craft projects.

Tuesday: a trip to the library.

Wednesday: baking something child-appropriate like cookies, pizzas, ice cream…

Thursday: math and handwriting lessons, special outings.

Friday: playdate and pool day.

The school introduced my son to computer games this year (1st grade).  I didn’t really appreciate that, because now all he wants to do is play on the computer. (of course)

I’ve been making him “earn” his computer time with chores, outside time, and reading/worksheets.

Yesterday, I found this cute punch card on Making the World Cuter.  She even included the blank version, so I can edit it to my needs.  It will make it so much easier to track his computer time.  I think I will reward each punch with  10 minutes of computer time.

We have been doing worksheets after breakfast and chores around 3pm.  I am going to add reading and writing worksheets/projects after lunch.  It seems easier to get them to do schoolwork when they are already sitting at the table.  

We have already done some cute projects that I will be posting about so stay tuned!

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  1. being mom{me} says:

    This is great. My kids do so much better when there is some sort of structure/ plan -which we have 3 days but I love your idea to do it the whole week. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That is such a good idea to give them a way to look forward to each day. Do you have any ideas for a 4 and 2 year old with attention spans the size of a flea?

    1. Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom says:

      I do remember how much they loved to paint with water colors and use glue sticks to make art form all different types of materials. (pre cut paper shapes, cotton balls, etc…) I also let them make balls with cookie dough and would lay out all ingredients needed to make their own pizzas and tacos. This book looks like it might have a lot of fun activities: Arts & Crafts Busy Book : 365 Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

      Good Luck