Readers Favorites: Collection of Favorite Sewing and Craft Projects
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Another year has come to an end and 2015 is right around the corner. Ugh! Time is just moving too fast.
I want to say thank you to all my readers for your support and the many sweet comments you’ve left for me. It’s the best feeling hearing back from someone who was able to successfully complete a project I’ve shared.
The year may be ending, but I actually enjoy looking back at all the projects I’ve accomplished. Today, I’m sharing the 13 most viewed craft and sewing related posts of 2014.

It was definitely a productive year! The post listed above were the top projects created in 2014, but a many created in years past were just as popular. (Like my peasant dress pattern and the polished pillowcase dress pattern.)
I added 224+ new posts this year and there were so many good ones I was sad to leave out of this collection. Many of the projects created late in the year were just too late to gain enough popularity to make the list. (Like this quilt pattern or this one shoulder dress tutorial.) To see more of my other projects, tutorials and patterns, be sure to check out my complete project lists located in the drop down menu at the top of the page.)
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