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Girls Faux Shearling Vest Pattern (sz 3 to 10)

Cooler weather is finally here and I have a new free pattern to share today!  This free Girls Faux Shearling Vest Pattern is super easy to sew (2 pattern pieces, 3 seams, and no hemming) and is a perfect layering piece to add to your little one’s wardrobe.

Free Faux Shearling Vest for Girls Sewing Pattern

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Free Girls Faux Shearling Vest Pattern size 3 to 10

I’m so excited to share this free vest pattern with you!  This is a project that you should be able to complete in about 30 minutes. The vest really turns out great -just like something you would buy at the store.  (My daughter is thrilled with hers).

This pattern is designed with faux shearling fabric in mind.  Faux shearling fabric (also called bonded sherpa) cuts wonderfully (if you don’t mind a bit of fur floating around that is, lol) and does not need to be hemmed.  

I found my fabric at Walmart, and I saw the same fabric at Hobby Lobby last week (they had different colors to choose from too, though this was the only one I could find on-line – don’t forget your coupon ) and there are tons of varieties online too. I found a great selection on Etsy. Fabric.com has something similar called suede cuddle.

Girls Faux Shearling Vest Pattern

Shearling Vest Pattern Notes:

  • You will be amazed at how easy this Girls Faux Shearling Vest Pattern is to sew.  It is only 2 pattern pieces and 3 seams, plus no hemming.  It’s a perfect layering piece to add to your little one’s wardrobe.
  • The lapel on this vest is designed to just lay open so you are able to reverse the vest if you like.  You could also tack it down if desired.
  • The sizes included are girls size 3 to 10.
  • 3/8 inch seam allowance included. No hem allowance as the pattern is designed to be unhemmed.

Fabric tip:  the faux fur is a bit messy to work with.  After sewing, I removed what I could with my hands and then tossed the vest into the dryer to let the lint trap catch the rest.

Girls Faux Shearling Vest Pattern

We went out back to snap these pictures, and our sweet Callie-kitty tagged along as usual.  (she is 19 yrs old, btw.)  She was desperate for a few pets and since we were not paying her enough attention, she was “self-petting” by jumping up on her back legs and trying to rub her chin on my missy’s hand.  It was so funny to watch, I managed to get a few different shots of her doing this.

how to make a faux shearling vest

Fabric Variations for the Faux Shearling Vest Pattern

  • You could sew this vest in a fun heavyweight knit.  Something that drapes nicely, looks good on both sides, and wouldn’t need to be hemmed.
  • You could also make a reversible vest with 2 different fabrics.  Making a reversible vest with no visible seams is a bit tricky – if you don’t already know how to make a reversible vest, you would need to search for a tutorial on how to make one.  I do not currently have a reversible vest tutorial, but I am adding one to my to-do list. Keep in mind, you’ll need to add a seam allowance around the edges if you make it reversible with no seams.
  • Another option for a reversible vest would be to add binding around the edges and armholes. You would not need to add a seam allowance in this case.   
This free Girls Faux Shearling Vest Pattern is so easy to sew (2 pattern pieces, 3 seams and no hemming) and is a perfect layering piece!
This free Girls Faux Shearling Vest Pattern is so easy to sew (2 pattern pieces, 3 seams and no hemming) and is a perfect layering piece!

Ready to sew a vest for your missy?

How do I get the vest pattern?

To receive the free pattern, visit the pattern page in my shop HERE. <<== click that link

Add the pattern to your cart and navigate through the checkout process. (Don’t worry, this pattern is free, no payment info is asked for.) After the check-out process is complete you will see a button prompting you to download the pattern. 

As long as you entered your email correctly, you will also receive an email with a link that downloads the pattern and directs you back to the sewing instructions.

Recommended Fabric:

  • Double-sided faux shearling (also called bonded sherpa),
  • Medium to heavyweight knit that has good drape and looks good on both sides.

Fit info:

  • Size 3:   Height-  38.5 inches,  Weight-  32 lbs,
  • Size 4:   Height-  41.5 inches,  Weight-  36 lbs,
  • Size 5:   Height-  44.5 inches,  Weight-  42 lbs,
  • Size 6:   Height-  46.5 inches,  Weight- 48 lbs,
  • Size 7:   Height-  51 inches,    Weight- 60 lbs,
  • Size 8:   Height-  53 inches,    Weight- 66 lbs,
  • Size 10: Height-  55 inches,    Weight- 74 lbs

Materials needed:

  • Pattern
  • fabric  (up to 3/4 yard faux shearling or other 44 inch fabric)
  • basic sewing supplies

Pattern Tips:

  • 3/8 inch seam allowance
  • no hem allowance

Girls Faux Shearling Vest Sewing Instructions:

Step 1:  Assembling pattern and cutting out pattern pieces.

Trim the pattern pieces around the gray boxes, line up the A, B, C and D dots.  Tape pattern together and cut out the size needed.

Fold the fabric in half and cut out 2 front pieces.  Cut out 1 back piece.


Step 2:  Sew the vest.

Right sides together, line up the shoulder seams and side seams.  Sew using a 3/8 inch seam allowance.


Trim shoulder and side seams to 1/8 inch.  Fold seam to one side and topstitch with a decorative/faux coverstitch type stitch.

Tip:  If your fabric is different colors on the front/back, use two different colored threads to match the top and bottom fabric.


That’s it, you’re done!

As always, if you sew something from one of my tutorials or patterns I would love to see it!  Be sure to come back and share a photo on my facebook page or tag me on Instagram @scatteredmom, with #scatteredmompatterns!

Save this project for later here: 

Free Faux Shearling Vest sewing pattern for girls.

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  1. Cathy Barron says:

    LOVE this vest! Do you have a Women’s faux Shearling vest pattern?

    I have some leopard (like this vest), and Zebra that are just waiting for a pattern like this!

    Thank you.

    1. Jamie Sanders says:

      I don’t have one done yet, so sorry!

  2. teri.modeland says:

    my downloaded pattern came with front (3 pages) back(3 pages) and an extra section (3 pages with no description printed on the pages)that looks like it could be to make the flap in the front longer, is that what it is? How is that added to the front?

      1. I can’t find the place to download the pattern. Help

      2. Jamie Sanders says:

        Did you add the pattern to your cart and check out? If you entered your email correctly, a copy of the file is emailed to you.

  3. mbalcerzak91 says:

    Hello, i can’t download the pattern 🙁 on my mobile and desktop i have got such message and any form to accept my email:


    [wp_eStore_ssf id=14 button_text=”Send me the Pattern”]

    Troubleshooting the pattern download:

    1. Yes, my pattern delivery system broke last week, but this pattern now available again. Good luck!

  4. Tessa Hudson says:

    i would love to make this for grandaughter .All I could find at local stores were the reversible sherpa blanket. throws. I guess that would work?

    1. If it is bonded/double sided sherpa (fur/minky on one side and smooth suede-like fabric on the other side) I am sure it will work

      1. Make sure the 2 sides are bonded together. You might find it at hobby lobby.

  5. I want the pattern for kids size 12 to Adult size for me!!! Any suggestions on making this pattern bigger to suit larger sizes?

    1. There are definitely some tutorials for this out there. Google “how to make a pattern larger.”

  6. Donna Corley says:

    I love the peasant dress and made matching ones for my granddaughters. I would love to post a pic but it doesn’t give me any option to. Thank you for sharing your beautiful patterns with us. Xxxx

    1. Thanks, I agree it would be amazing if you could post a pic in the comments!

  7. How cool! How can I make this for a one year old? And a version with hoodie and sleeves would be awesome

    1. A hoodie and sleeve would be awesome, you’ll have to google how to downsize a pattern.

  8. Kalliopi (Athens-Greece) says:

    Amazing vest, your creations are always sooooooo cute ! Please- please- please make everything in size 12 so I can make them for my girl .Honastly you are the best sewing blog by far!

    1. Nana Mikie Mignola says:

      I’m in total agreement ! Everything you show is easily understood and easy to follow! My two granddaughters 3 and 5 love your items!!
      Thanks bunches!

      1. Thanks!

  9. Jodie Hickman says:

    This is a precious vest. I want to make one of these for my fashionista grand daughter for Christmas. She is seven.