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Holiday Outfits

I didn’t get too much sewing done during the month of December.  I wanted too, but my motivation level just wasn’t there…

One thing I did sew was a Holiday Dress for my little miss.  I had the Aubrey Bow Dress Pattern from the Ruby Jean Pattern Shop and I thought a version made from stretch velvet would be perfect for our holiday photos.  I was able to find just the right shade of green velvet at my local fabric shop to coordinate with a new button down and sweater set I had bought for my son.  Hubby even had a similar polo shirt in the closet with the tag still on it!!!  (I think it was a Christmas present from at least 5 years ago- time to clean out his closet, I think…)

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The dress came out so pretty, and she loved the fabric!

I was taking these pictures with my remote, so I didn’t notice until I was editing that the little turkey had stuck her tongue out in a bunch of the pictures at the end.  The final result was kind of cute, but she better be glad I didn’t catch her doing it while we were taking the pictures.  (I’m sure you know how hard it can be to take pictures of your little ones and get them to cooperate…  Multiply that times five when you are trying to be in the pictures as well!)

I have so many projects on my wish to do list, I need to sit down and make a list.  Then maybe start with organizing my craft room!

What about you, what projects are on your todo list?

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  1. Terry Jones says:

    The Velvet Green Aubrey Bow dress is sleeveless. Did you add sleeves or is a shirt under it

    1. She has a T-shirt on under it.

  2. Great photos and beautiful dress. Thanks for sharing on Show & Tell! xoxo, Tauni

  3. Ginger Bergemann says:

    So cute! You have a beautiful family. I've seen that Ruby Jean pattern and admired it too.

  4. Emily Thompson says:

    super cute! Great family photos too! I didn't notice the remote in your hand until you mentioned it :o) Have you linked up to my party?

  5. Green velvet on a little girl is just precious. Throw in a bow and I'm hooked 🙂 Great job with the Aubrey Bow Dress!

  6. Lindsay Haynie - Love City says:

    Very cute! The velvet makes a perfect holiday dress! Stopping by from Southern Lovely.

  7. Super adorable pictures and outfits! Thanks so much for linking up to Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings.

  8. Creative Kid Snacks says:

    Absolutely beautiful shots. I just love the colors!

    Amy @ Creative Kid Snacks

  9. Rose @ Walnut Acre says:

    The dress is beautiful!

  10. Justine of SewCountryChick says:

    I love the dress Jamie. And the photos. So cute! Happy new year.

  11. Darling pictures!! Found you over at Ginger's!! Happy New Year!

  12. Ruffly Ribbons says:

    Your pictures are beautiful! I was skimming through the links at 6-sisters link party, and it caught my eye. I also love the dress. It's so simple and sweet.

  13. so pretty 🙂 love the sibling shots- so loving

  14. Jamie — just love the dress and the family shots ! Thanks for sharing!!

    Happy New Year!

  15. This is such a lovely dress for your little girl. All the best for you and your beautiful family for 2013. Val xxx