
Guest post: Adding Pockets to Shorts from Nap-Time Creations

Hello Everyone!  Our Guest poster today, Emily from Nap-Time Creations has a great sewing project for us today.  Adding pockets to shorts!
Emily has a ton of great projects on her blog, make sure you take a few minutes to check them out!
Take it away, Emily…
Tutorial for adding pockets to shorts.

Hi Fellow sew{ers} and readers of Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom! I’m so excited to be helping Jamie out with her blog while she is on a little vacation with her family. I’m always inspired by the projects she posts and her beautiful photos too! 
I blog over at Nap-Time Creations and I’d love for you to come over sometime and check out all the other fun sewing tutorials I’ve posted. 
Today I’m going to share how to add a angled pocket to shorts. I’ve used the free pant pattern from the MADE blog for my base. Go HERE to print the free pocket pattern I’ve created. You can use this for the tutorial today and also for the two others on my blog. {link at bottom}
So… every year I make clothes for the cousins on my side of the family, see here: Cousin Clothes.  This year we took this photo…  Pretty good for 7 kids under 6 {if I do say so myself!} 

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I bought the girls dresses this year, but made the boys shorts with THREE versions of a pocket. Here’s the shorts I’m showing you today… Flat front shorts with a waistband and slanted pockets.
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So, grab your favorite shorts pattern and print the pocket pattern and lets get started! 

Cut your Shorts Front pattern piece 1 inch lower on the top edge {we are adding a waistband}
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1. Sew the center seam on the short front and then cut the sides on a slant as shown. These were a 4T and you can see the approx. angle from my cutting board.
2. Cut four pocket shape and cut the same angle on TWO of them.
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3. Sew around the curved side of the pocket, then pin the angled edge together with right sides touching as shown below.
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4. It should now look something like this:
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5. Fold under and top-stitch the angled edge.
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From the back..
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6. Now lets make the waistband. Cut the fabric the same width as you shorts front and 2 1/2 inched tall. Add interfacing to the wrong side middle.
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7. Fold in half and pin right side together to shorts front.
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8. now sew up the rest of your shorts! Make sure to catch the edge of the pockets when you sew up the side seams. I put elastic in the back, and not in the front. I ended up with three pairs. 3T,4T,5T….
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You can check out two other ways to add pockets to shorts by heading over to this tutorial.

Thanks for having me Jamie!
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