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37+ Easy Fleece Sewing Projects to use up your Leftover Fleece

If you’ve got leftover fleece just lying around, these easy fleece sewing projects are just what you need!

how to use up leftover fleece

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Sewing with Fleece

Fleece is one type of fabric that I just love.

Maybe it’s the texture of it…maybe the warmth…or maybe that fact that it reminds me of a lumberjack, and for some reason, I have a soft spot in my heart for them…but I love using fleece.

I’ve used fleece for many different projects. I’ve created jackets, pillows, hats, animal clothing… you name it, I’ve made it! Fleece is durable, warm, soft and can easily be cut and sewn to create various projects. I’ve cut it, glued it, tied it, knotted it…and truly created useful things out of it that I never thought possible.

Leftover Fleece Projects

OK, I’ll admit it. I’m addicted to creating with fleece. There. I’ve said it. And with this list of easy fleece sewing projects, you may just become addicted right along with me.

While there may not be a “Fleece Support Group” just yet, I can assure you that there’s a reason that fleece is such a trusted and used fabric in creating some really cool projects.

The good news is that I’ve rounded up 37 great fleece project ideas that will put good use to all that fleece, and you’ll love the outcome and look of the finished products. You’re sure to find a project you’ll love.

37+ Easy Fleece Sewing Projects to use up your Leftover Fleece

fleece project ideas

Fleece Blankets Projects:

1. Easy Fleece Blanket Tutorial This one is made by hemming the edges:

2. No Sew Fleece Blanket – standard tying knots at the edges

3. Another No Sew Fleece Blanket, but this one is made by cutting a slit in the fleece and folding the ends through the slit.

Fleece Hat Patterns and Tutorials:

1. Simple Fleece Hat Tutorial

Keep the kid's ears toasty warm and learn how to make an easy fleece hat with this super easy Fleece Hat Tutorial!

2. Fleece Beanie Pattern

3. No Sew Fleece Hat Tutorial

4. Fleece Ear Warmer Pattern

ear warmer pattern

5. Toddler Monster Hat Tutorial (perfect for boys!)

monster fleece hat tutorial

6. Messy Bun Beanie

fleece messy bun beanie

7. Toddler Ear Flap Pattern

free toddler ear flap pattern

8. Child Cuddle Poncho/Car Seat Cape

carseat poncho

9. Bow Ear Warmer Tutorial

Easy Ear Warmer

Fleece Slippers and Mittens:

1. Fleece Mitten Pattern

free fleece mitten pattern

2. Fleece-Lined Hand Warming Muff

3. Cozy Slipper Pattern

4. Free Slip-on Slipper Tutorial

5. Boot Cuff Tutorial
(This website is no longer online, but there is still a copy available on the internet archive, yay!)

Fleece Scarves:

1. 5 Minute Fleece Scarf

2. Fleece Pocket Scarf

3. Easy Boys Fleece Scarf Tutorial

5. Reversible Cowl Scarf

6. No Sew Rainbow Scarf

Fleece Ponchos and Capes

1. No Sew Fleece Poncho for kids

2. Reversible Fleece Poncho Cape for toddlers

3. Ladies Fleece Poncho Tutorial

4. Asymmetrical Poncho Pattern

5. Fleece Cardigan Tutorial

Fleece Projects for our Fur-Babies

1. No Sew Fleece Rope “Bones”

2. DIY Fleece Pet Bed

3. No Sew Pet Bed

4. Guinea Pig Snuggle Pouch

Home Decor and other Misc Fleece projects:

1. Fleece Pom-Pom

fleece pom poms

2. Fleece Travel Pillow

fleece travel pillow

3. Sunglass/ Reading Glass Pouches

4. Stuffed Fox Pattern

stuffed fox pattern

6. Stuffing for Pincushions

7. Fleece Pillowcases

8. Knotted Fleece Pillows

9. No Sew Heart Pillow

10. Owl Hand Warmers

11. Fleece Christmas Trees

12. Cute Donut Pillow

13. Reusable Swiffer Duster

14. Washable Swiffer Refill pad

Which of these will you add to your list?  Sound off in the comments below!

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  1. Great ideas. I have at least 12 huge bins & I need to use it up so I will be making several of your ideas. I can’t tell which pieces of fleece is no pill. I don’t want to spend too much time on something special to find out later it pulls up! I will check out your other ideas👍

    1. Audrey Stokes says:

      I have used scrap fleece to make a port pillow for those with ports for cancer treatments. Tiny fleece bits can be used for stuffing.
      Soft colorful.

  2. Margaret Hayes says:

    I love all these ideas my goal is to handmade all Christmas gifts this year.

  3. I never would have thought of these. Thank you.

  4. Chrysanthemum says:

    Shared this super list with my “quiltee friends” who may have had sewing withdrawal during annual family times, fabulous meals, and the holiday scene. Thanks so much for your collection.

  5. I just found that you can use the polyester fleece as a replacement for paper towels. Because of the fiber content mine have not stained at all. They totally rinse clear. Then again because of thr fiber content, they drain really fast which kerps down mildew.

    Yes, I loved all the ideas as well. The beanies are adorable.

    1. Jamie Sanders says:

      I did not know that, thanks for the tip!

  6. I liked absolutely everything. I’ve saved all the scraps from my blanket making, all the scraps from hat making so I have many, many scraps. All these patterns will truly come in good use , thank u so much. Yep, there needs to b a group on Facebook to support us fleecers.

  7. The Swiffer replacements were just what was needed, but make sure they are washed before using.

  8. I’m so glad I found this! I agree that there needs to be a group for fleece lovers! I’ve been making blankets as gifts and with my church group and donated them to a women’s shelter. I save ALL the scraps for “someday”. Now I can use them up! Thanks for the great ideas!!

  9. Fun projects and some will work with minimal equipment. A couple of small projects are sewing enough tiny pieces on a string until you have enough to make a wreath ornament for your tree., some people have made ‘monster’ soft toys and your tiny pieces can be used to make the faces, arms etc. the eyeglass case uses a small amount of fabric. THAnks for the great list, I especially liked the children’s hats.

  10. Donna Teeter says:

    I saved the links for the knotted fleece pillow, the no sew heart pillow and the no sew rainbow scarf. Thanks!

  11. I loved all the ideas. But what if you’ve got smaller scraps? Thanks!!

  12. Love all the great ideas especially the 2 Swiffer ones!

    1. I thought they were great too!