
Free Summer Reading Log for Kids (printable)

This summer reading log for kids is the perfect way for our little guys to balance all their summer fun this year AND keep with their reading!

Not only that, but the reading log is 100% free for you and it’s definitely one printable that you will print and use over and over again. (Scroll to the bottom for the free printable log.) 

summer reading log for kids

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Free Summer Reading Log for Kids (printable)

Summertime is literally right around the corner and for millions of parents and kids, that means one thing. School is out and the fun is about to start. And while there might be a little bit of truth to that, it’s also important to do something to keep the kid’s minds active as well.  

Most kids love to read, and this is a good thing! From elementary to middle school to high school, this reading log is perfect! During summer months, it’s not even really that big of a deal to try to tell them what to read, either. Chapter books, comic books or even a magazine from the library that they find interesting are all great choices if you ask me.

This summer, we’re prepared in our house. Along with stocking up on water guns and these sidewalk chalk ideas, we also have this summer reading log printable to keep track of every time our kids crack open a book! 

Free Summer Reading Log for Kids

Reading doesn’t come naturally to everyone, and that’s okay! The whole entire point of this reading log is so that you can show your kids that it’s possible to have some fun in the sun while also flipping through a few pages as well. Pretty simple, right?

summer reading log

Why is it important to read over the summer?

It’s important for a variety of reasons, but here are some of the top reasons why reading should continue to happen in your home all year long.

  • Reading keeps the brain active and alert
  • There are always great books out there waiting to be discovered
  • Reading gives your children a schedule to adhere to every single day
  • Reading opens up the lines of communication to talk about what was written on those pages
  • Did I mention that this summer reading log just so happens to also be a FREE reading log?!

And those are just a few! Just because that school bell rang doesn’t mean that it’s time to put away all the books for the summer. Have your child pick out one or two of their favorites for the summer months to read and one or two new ones to explore as well. Who knows…they just might find a new favorite book!

Free reading log

Need a few book ideas for your tween?  I have a great list of middle grade reading ideas here.

How can you make summer reading fun?

I’m going to be honest with you…your kids may not be overly thrilled about the fact that you’re telling them that they have to read during the summer months. And that’s okay. If you’re looking for ways to help them get, and stay, excited. Why not offer up some incentives or rewards along the way? Some ideas include:

  • Money payments for hitting reading goals
  • Prize for completing and filling up the summer reading log printable
  • A fun trip after showing their commitment
  • Earn time on electronics

The list could go on and on. If you know what motivates your child, use that to get them excited about reading. There’s nothing wrong with a little reward for the effort that they’re going to give. Aren’t we all motivated by something?

Need bookmarks?  Check out these adorable paper bookmarks you can cut with your Cricut, Silhouette, or by hand.  I also have fun “reading is dreaming with your eyes wide open” printable that you can use to make a DIY Book Bag.

How to use this summer reading log

I’ve made it as simple as possible for you. Simply add in the title of the book and the author’s name. THAT’S It. Once they fill it all the way full, they’ve just tackled and shown that their love of reading during the summer months just can’t be stopped! 

Get the free summer reading log>>HERE<<

(The reading log will be saved to your device and stored wherever your device stores your files.)

reading log for kids


Make it the best summer yet by having fun and education together. Your child may just find that reading all year long isn’t so bad after all! 

Just in case you need a few snacks to go along with your free reading log, here are some healthy-ish snack recipes that will be a true treat for your taste buds:


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